SDGs Global Practice

Who am I - my relationship with my parents, my community, my teachers, and the biodiversity of flowers, birds, insects, and fish;

Where do I come from - independent thinking, sense of responsibility and mission, ability to empathize, and critical spirit;

Where do I go - the use and ability of learning, value judgments based on broadening horizons, a healthy body, a bright, kind soul.

These are questions that adolescent children need and want to explore. It is also the foundation that can help children stimulate their inner drive to learn and improve their metacognitive abilities.


Children's personal and social experiences, emotional tendencies, beliefs and values, personal consciousness, personal goals, etc. constitute their own inner scaffolding, and knowledge is built on this basis.

In the past three years, the Titanium Project team, which focuses on innovative education for sustainable development, has led more than 200 Chinese teenagers to explore a set of innovative methods to supplement school education in Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Africa and China, and to find a way to change elites. A program for egoistic educational tendencies.
So, together with our children, after seeing the heaven, earth and all living beings, we hope to see ourselves.

Titanium Plan will continue to carry out all-English leadership course training + biodiversity sustainable life experience course + United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) general education training at the Dali Sustainable Living Base . After passing the assessment, children will receive SDG certificates certified by the United Nations. It plays an important role in future studies, study abroad, and the construction of systematic interdisciplinary thinking.

Project gains:

  • Complete all courses and obtain the COP15 children’s biodiversity survey series scientific examination activity certificate;
  • Master and practice the basic methods of natural science investigation and social anthropology fieldwork;
  • Cultivation and improvement of core competencies, especially learning drive and teamwork skills;
  • A set of highly competitive and influential academic + practical background enhancement materials for localizing social practice on global issues

Project details: [2022 Summer] United Nations CBD COP15 Leadership Elementary Dali Sustainable Living Project