
The China Youth Carbon Reduction Masterclass Series is free!

Episode 01: Is Climate Change Real?

1. Causes of Climate Change

2. Why global warming is caused by human activities

3. Global actions to address climate change and the current situation 4. China's "dual-carbon" policies

Episode 2: What happens if we don't act now?

1. Impacts of climate change on natural systems;

2. Impacts of climate change on humans.

3. Impacts of climate change on the achievement of sustainable development goals.

4. Consequence of inaction modelling projections

Episode 3: Carbon Detection and Reduction on Campus

1. What is climate action?

2. What is a zero carbon campus?

3. How to do school carbon verification

4. Low-carbon planning and hardware for campus construction

5. Low carbon practices in campus life

Episode 4: Protecting "Our" Low Carbon Home

1. What is climate change adaptation and mitigation?

2. Climate Action for Cities

3. Rural, agricultural climate action

Episode 5: Let's Be Carbon Reducers!

1. Why monitor your carbon footprint?

2. How to monitor your carbon footprint?

3. how can I reduce my personal carbon footprint?

4. How can I influence people around me?

5. how to gain wider distribution and influence?


Step 01: Scan the QR code above and fill in the registration information to get the five-episode course

Step 2: Test your climate change trivia before the study begins

Step 3: Complete the 5 lessons

Step 3: At the end of the study, come and measure how much climate change trivia you have mastered and become a Chinese youth carbon reduction expert!

Step 4: Congratulations, you have mastered the secret of the Carbon Reduction Master and received the joint certificate from the EU Mutual Love Yunnan Low Carbon School Pilot Project and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 39168 Project! (Note: You can apply for the certificate after completing 5 episodes)